Community Choice Aggregation (CCA)
Village of Nelsonville
Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) Program
Posted on: November 18, 2022
The Village of Nelsonville is exploring joining the Hudson Valley Community Power (HVCP) renewable energy program, which would providing their eligible residents and small business with access to renewable electricity supply.
Formed in partnership with Joule Community Power, a division of Joule Assets, Inc. (Joule), Hudson Valley Community Power is a community choice aggregation program that enables participating communities to pool local electricity demand in order to leverage the collective buying power of their residents and small businesses in an effort to secure more favorable terms on their energy supply, protect consumers, and support renewable generation sources.
Since summer 2019, the Hudson Valley Community Power program has served households and small businesses in ten communities with 100% New York State renewable power.
The program administrator, Joule, the Village of Nelsonville and the other HVCP municipalities are planning to participate in an upcoming bid for electricity supply with an expected program launch in Summer 2023.
The goal is to provide relief from the current high electricity prices while maximizing support of renewables. In late Spring 2023, the Village will be given prices and the option to select between the standard fixed-rate or a variable-rate offer. Market conditions, including price volatility and the need to maximize the availability of renewable electricity supply may lead to the variable-rate offer providing the best value to residents and small businesses.
Even if 100% renewable electricity is not available to offer to all HVCP participants, individual residents and small businesses will be able to take action to select 100% renewables. All eligible residents and small businesses will receive a letter before the program launches explaining the offerings, their choices, and how to opt-out. Participants can opt-out of the program at any time with no penalty.
Public information sessions will be scheduled over the next two months about the general program, how it can benefit residents and small businesses, and to answer your questions. Additional information sessions will occur in 2023 if the Village signs a contract for a CCA electricity supply rate.
For more information about the Hudson Valley Community Power program, please visit hudsonvalleycommunitypower.com, call the helpline at (845) 859-9099 or email at info@hudsonvalleycommunitypower.com
Presentation by Jeff Domanski, Hudson Valley Community Power Choice Aggregation Program
Overview by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority
Town of New Paltz FAQ about the Hudson Valley Community Power CCA